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BirdSO 23': Wifi Lab, 1st place

CuSO 23': Scrambler, 1st place

NYC Regionals 23': Flight, 1st place

NYC Regionals 23': Detector Building, 2nd place

NYC Regionals 23': Scrambler, 3rd place

NYC Regionals 23': Wifi Lab, 3rd place

LISO 23': Wifi Lab, 3rd place

CuSO 23': Flight, 5th place

CuSO 23': Wifi Lab, 5th place

New York State 23': Detector Building, 7th place

President- Enzo Schulze

Hello everyone! I'm Enzo and I will be your President for the 2023-2024 SciOly season. This will be my third year on the team and I am thrilled to get the chance to take our team back to the top. We are all passionate about STEM - whether biology, chemistry, physics, or inquiry - we can’t seem to step away. Science Olympiad is designed to foster and develop these passions and to help you learn the importance of teamwork.

SciOly is an extracurricular that is as rewarding as it is enduring. While you might end up losing sleep here or there, the promise of Science Olympiad is the reward - both tangible and emotional. Testing yourself and your abilities is scary in its own right, but it is proven more than worthwhile time and time again by this club.

You will be challenged and you will consider defeat. But, with a solid work ethic and proper collaboration, you will prevail.

I stepped into the interest meeting in 642 as a sophomore and was petrified - as is the case for just about everyone. Little did I know that build would form such a massive part of my time within SciOly, nor how temperamental 2.4GHz WiFi antennas were. From eggs on cars to canola oil dropping on sugar cubes, this club will make you question everything and allow you to solve problems that you didn’t even know you could. If you’re reading this, I hope you decide to join us and our tightly-knit community of the STEM-obsessed. no i talked about experimental in there Reach me at or with questions, comments, or concerns about SciOly @ THHS.


Favorite Things


Weird Smell

Taylor Swift Song

Place to Travel

Type of Cheese

Type of Juice

Extinct Animal

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