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For the past 17 years, THHS has competed at the NYC Metropolitan Regionals and has qualified for the NY State Competition since 2005. However, one major problem that undermines our prospects of competing is the high cost of competition, which includes materials, transportation, and registration fees. With 3 teams and a total of 45 student competitors, our goal is to provide all of our students with a chance to attend competitions at every level.


On behalf of our students, who dedicate hours to pursuing their STEM interests, we reach out to you for help. Every donation, even the smallest, will help relieve each hardworking student of the financial burden that would otherwise impede their ability to compete. For example, $100 sends one of our teams (15 people) to an invitational, $300 allows us to purchase resources for all of our competitors, and $1000 allows us to charter a bus for competition transportation. Whether you have had personal experiences with the team or are simply interested in furthering our success, we hope that you will consider helping our students expand their scientific experiences.


We are exceedingly grateful for any financial support you can provide to our team!

Overnight Competitions
Meals and accomodations
$2500 (x5)
Traveling by bus/plane for long distance competitions (per competition)
$2500 (x2)
Build Materials
Balsa wood, cyanoacrylate glue, circuit kits, Wright plane kits, microcontrollers
$350 (x3)
Study Resources
Lab kits, textbooks, laboratory equipment, safety equipment
Competition Fees
Registration costs for 3-4 invitationals (per team)
$100 (x10)
Team Registrations
Team registration to be verified by Science Olympiad (per team)
$315 (x3)


If you would like to donate to us, please follow these instructions to our GoFundMe:

(Coming soon)

  1. Click on Donate.

  2. Insert your donation amount in “Enter your Donation.”

  3. Under “Tip GoFundMe Services,” click “Other” in the drop-down menu and type “0” in the box that appears.

    1. Any tips for GoFundMe will be charged in addition to your donation amount. Additional charges will not be donated to THHS Science Olympiad.

  4. For payment: Enter the student's or donator's name under "First Name" and "Last Name." Make sure to add the name of the card owner under "Name on Card." Enter all billing information.

  5. If you would like to be anonymous, SELECT “Don't display my name publicly on the campaign” at the bottom of the page.

*If you have any questions or problems, please email us at

**For club members, we are requiring 1 donation of $15-20 per student before taking inhouses as an indicator of your contribution to our club's success. All funds will be allocated to team expenses including state chapter fees, competition registrations, and building materials.

***If you have any financial difficulties, please contact one of our head coaches



Again, we are extremely grateful for any support you can provide our team!

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