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NYC Regionals '23: Rocks and Minerals, 1st place

NYC Regionals '22: Write It Do It, 1st place

NYC Regionals '23: Forestry, 3rd place

NYC Regionals '22: Rocks and Minerals, 3rd place

CuSO '23: Rocks and Minerals, 6th place

New York States '23: Rocks and Minerals, 9th place


Hi everyone! My name is Elisabeth Poclitar and I'm beyond excited to serve as your resource liaison for the 2023-2024 scioly season! I was resource liaison last season and am more than happy to take on this role again. I will be supplying ya'll with an adequate amount of tests and materials necessary for studying, as well as any additional resources you may need to secure those medals!! I will also be conducting resource checks along with the prez and vp. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at!

This will be my third and final year in scioly, and I'm so proud of how much this team has accomplished. I would argue that scioly is the best thing that has happened to me in all my years here at Townsend, and I would love everyone to experience it for themselves. While earning medals may be a thrill, scioly is so much more than that. Not only do you get to pursue your hunger for science, learning, and knowledge, you get to do it with your friends by your side. With every painful late night studying comes a plethora of jokes, laughs, giggles, crying sessions with your buds, and so much more. The hilarious groupchats are also a plus haha. Regardless, scioly is the place where you can enjoy science and meet the coolest people ever. I want to see y'all here this season!!

Favorite Things


Weird Smell

Taylor Swift Song

Resource Liaison- Elisabeth Poclitar

Place to Travel

Type of Cheese

Type of Juice

Extinct Animal

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