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NYC Regionals '23: Green Generation, 5th place

NYC Regionals '23: WiFi Lab, 8th place



Hi everyone! My name is Eduardo and I'm so excited to be your technical secretary for the upcoming SciOly season! As technical secretary I will be responsible for taking attendance at meetings and study sessions, as well as managing and updating the website + discord. I will work closely with the current board and members to make everything as accommodating as possible to future members. I know last season we've had some hiccups regarding communication + where to find resources + where to go during invitationals + when does impounding start- I promise that with the help of my fellow board members, everything you possibly need for SciOly is at your fingertips. If you ever have any questions, or have some suggestions to improve this lovely website, feel free to send me an email at!

This will be my third and final year in SciOly and I'm so glad that I joined when I did because it grew into something that I'm genuinely so passionate for. Even though the workload seems daunting at first, there is so much more that SciOly offers than just the weekly tests and resource checks. Over the past three years I have made so many great memories and bonds within this club and I hope to make more next year. I'm looking forward to having an enchanting year with all of you!

Favorite Things


Weird Smell

Taylor Swift Song

Technical Secretary- Eduardo Calero

Place to Travel

Type of Cheese

Type of Juice

Extinct Animal

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