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BirdSO 23': Wifi Lab, 1st place

CuSO 23': Scrambler, 1st place

NYC Regionals 23': Flight, 1st place

NYC Regionals 23': Detector Building, 2nd place

NYC Regionals 23': Scrambler, 3rd place

NYC Regionals 23': Wifi Lab, 3rd place

LISO 23': Wifi Lab, 3rd place

CuSO 23': Flight, 5th place

CuSO 23': Wifi Lab, 5th place

New York State 23': Detector Building, 7th place

Treasurer- Sicheng Chen

Hey everyone, I’m Sicheng Chen and I’m honored to be your treasurer for the 2023-2024 Science Olympiad season. As treasurer, I will be responsible for all financial matters, including but not limited to coordinating bake sales, seeking sponsorships, and collecting your fundraising credits. I have also participated in Anatomy & Physiology, Disease Detectives, Cell Biology, Forensics, and Designer Gene, and I will be more than happy to share my expertise in these events, or help you with similar events. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to my responsibilities or anything else, please feel free to reach out to me at

Having embarked on the journey with SciOly since freshman year, I’m always amazed by how much this club has influenced me. It has not only broadened my horizons in my field of interest, but it also changed my perception of academic team, from seeing it as a intimidating and rigorous environment to seeing it as something that is enjoyable and rewarding to be part of. Despite the never-ending process of grinding and countless numbers of practice tests, I couldn’t have been more right about my decision to sign up for this club in freshman year, and for those of you who have heard of our club but haven’t joined already, it’s never too late to join us! Trust me you will never regret joining, and I guarantee you the memories we make in this club will last much longer than you thought they would.


Favorite Things


Weird Smell

Taylor Swift Song

Place to Travel

Type of Cheese

Type of Juice

Extinct Animal

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